While Plasti Dip is popular in the US, it’s certainly less common in Europe and Asia. If you’re not familiar with this plastic coating, it is, in essence, a removable finish that you can leave on for as long as you want. Despite the word ‘dip’ in the name, it is actually a spray-on process. When you are fed up with it and fancy a colour change, simply peel it off and start again. The original finish underneath is left just as it was. Plasti Dip leaves no residue and even is said to protect the paint. With lots of new colors being released there is a wealth of choice available too including some very special reflective and colour-changing paints.
You can also just do the treatment to badges & grilles (think “de-chroming”), individual panels and even wheels. The video below shows a brand new Porsche 911 Turbo having the Plasti Dip treatment. The results are astonishing, although I wonder how much more work is involved in getting things like inner door sills, engine compartment etc finished the same way. I’m guessing they generally leave that.
It’s something that you can do yourself too with a relatively low outlay on equipment. Success stories abound and you can spend a good few hours watching videos on the subject. So what are you waiting for?
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