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Mobility scooter fitted with KTM 250cc 2 stroke engine

Wow, adding to the list of bizarre items we see for sale, we’ve come across this Celebrity DX mobility scooter fitted with a KTM 250mx 250cc 2 stroke motocross engine.

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Here are the main points of the advert:

Fitted with uprated reed valves, custom exhaust, kart motoplat ignition and rm 500 carb.
Has to be bump started but is easy to do as it has a hand clutch and foot gear change.
The mobility scooter comes with a selection of front sprockets to adjust top speed.
Collins record breaking one has a 125cc engine mine has a 250cc engine.
This is very fast, not a toy but very stable at higher speeds.
Sorry collection only or you can arrange a courier.
No test pilots 🙂

Just make sure you don’t bump start it when you are parked in the disabled space outside the benefits office, eh?